Opening Hours
  • Sunday - Thursday
    9:00AM - 9:00PM
  • Friday
    9.00AM - 8.00PM
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We Are Committed to Care

Specialized Medical Centre

We offer a wide variety of treatment alternatives for patients with complex health conditions. We combine a team of skilled, experienced specialists and experts with the most advanced technology.

Our Statistics

Waiting Time
Years of Experience
Patients Registered

Our Specialities

Department of Ophthalmology

During the last decade, several advances in the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders have been made in the field of ophthalmology. JMC’s qualified and experienced team of ophthalmologists brings these state-of-the-art technological developments together to manage a vast array of complex eye disorders.

JMC aims to transform eye care standards with a focused dedication to delivering compassionate, safe and high-quality ophthalmology service.

Department of Dentistry

JMC’s Dental Department is an integrated, comprehensive and specialist centre for advanced dentistry and the ONE STOP Centre for A to Z oral care. The department boasts an excellent team of specialists who offer a wide range of services.

We have dentists from different parts of the world who speak many languages hence catering to the population of the UAE.

Department of General medicine

At JMC, department of General Medicine provides diagnosis, management and non-surgical treatment for adult illnesses. Preventive healthcare is a department’s core focus area. The department includes General Practitioners who are experts in identifying and detecting significant disease risk factors at the start of major diseases. Sensitive monitoring leads to faster remedial measures being implemented.

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